Podľa Tom’s Hardware Guide doletel prvý mobilný vírus s menom Cabir najsamprv do USA (neštve vás, že musia byť vo všetkom prví?) a potom sa rozbehol do 12-tich krajín sveta.
Postihuje údajne iba mobily značky Nokia a teda predpokladam, že je to vírus priživujúci sa na Symbiane.
Takže som si dal search na strankach spoločnosti Nokia a výsledok hľadania http://www.nokia.com/nokia/0,,65910,00.html môj dohad potvrdil.
Takže ak máte Nokiu s Bluetooth a Symbianom na palube, podľahnite prosím panike...
Concept Worm (Cabir)
Nokia is alert to the existence of a laboratory-recognized concept worm, which attempts to replicate itself over Bluetooth. Latest reports indicate that there are multiple versions of the worm, and they appear under different names.
The worm sends a copy of itself to "visible" Bluetooth devices. However, the worm will not affect the device unless the user actively takes the step of "accepting" it, by pressing a key to do so. Additionally, the worm cannot send itself to devices in which Bluetooth is switched to "hidden" mode, or is switched off. The worm cannot be spread over mobile networks.
The worm is coded to run under the Symbian OS. According to Nokia’s tests, the on-market devices that could be affected include those Nokia models that run the Series 60 Platform.
Since Bluetooth is essentially a means of sharing data, the best precaution is always to confirm the contents with the sender before sharing the data and not to accept any files from unknown or untrusted sources. If the worm is accepted to a device, it can be deleted without causing harm to the device.
Based on the analyses to date, Nokia believes the current security threat is relatively small and unlikely to mirror the risk profile of the fixed Internet. Further updates on the malware will be provided on this website when needed and consumers are welcome to contact the Nokia Customer Care Line in their home country for more information.
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